List Payouts

Applies to: Payouts API | OAuth API

Learn how to filter payouts by location ID, status, and time range and sort them in ascending or descending order.

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The ListPayouts endpoint provides a list of payouts for a location. If you don't specify a location, the main or default location is used. To call this endpoint, set PAYOUTS_READ for the OAuth scope.

The ListPayouts endpoint supports pagination and a limit field that your application can use to indicate the page size (the number of items to return in the response). The default and maximum page size is 100 items. For more information, see Pagination.

List payouts

The following is an example response:

To see payouts for a specific location, specify the location ID:

List payouts

The following is an example response:

By default, results are returned from oldest to newest (or Z to A) in descending order. To switch to ascending order, set sort_order to ASC. For more details, see SortOrder.

To see payouts in a specific time range, specify the dates in the following format (see Working with Dates):

List payouts

The following is an example response:

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See also

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