Customize the Checkout Amount

Applies to: Reader SDK - Android | Reader SDK - iOS

Learn how to customize a checkout amount for a credit card transaction.


The Square Reader SDK is deprecated and will be retired on December 31, 2025. The SDK is no longer receiving new releases and support for new operating systems isn't guaranteed.

The Mobile Payments SDK launched as the successor of the Reader SDK and is now in General Availability (GA). To ensure continued support and functionality, you should migrate your application from the Reader SDK to the Mobile Payments SDK before the retirement date.

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Before trying a credit card transaction, try updating the sample code to change the checkout amount.

  1. Open ./ReaderSDKSample/Screens/PayViewController.swift in the sample application.
  2. In the PayViewController class, change the value of the amount property from $1 USD to $2 USD. As with other Square solutions, the Reader SDK specifies monetary amounts in the smallest currency unit of the associated currency code, so $2 USD is specified as 200 cents.
    private let amount = 200
  3. Rebuild the sample application.
  4. Choose the Charge $2.00 button to complete a new cash transaction.
  5. View the transaction details in the Square Dashboard.
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See also

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