Payments API Integration

Applies to: Point of Sale API - iOS | Point of Sale API - Android | Payments API | Orders API

Learn how to get payment details from a Point of Sale API transaction ID.

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There is no direct way to retrieve payment details for a Point of Sale or Reader SDK payment using the Payments API. However, the transaction ID returned by either of these SDKs on transaction completion can be used to retrieve an Order by order ID where the order ID is the transaction ID.


The following procedure doesn't work for cash payments made with Square Point of Sale. The resulting client transaction ID doesn't correspond to an order ID.

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Retrieve an order

Use the transaction ID value as the order ID as shown in the following operation:

Retrieve order

The response is an Order object that includes a tenders array. Each item in the array is the ID of a Payment object.

There should be a single payment ID in the tenders array. Use that ID to make the following call:

Get payment

The response is a Payment object with the details of the payment.

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See also