Add the Web Payments SDK to the Web Client

Applies to: Web Payments SDK | Payments API

Learn how to get the web client ready to accept a payment card and send the resulting token to the server component of the quickstart application.

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1. Get application credentials

You need your Sandbox credentials because the quickstart application is configured to send requests to the Square Sandbox instead of your production Square account.

  1. Open the Developer Dashboard and click the plus symbol under Applications to create a new application.
  2. Open the application, and then choose Credentials in the left pane.
  3. At the top of the page, set the Developer Dashboard mode to Sandbox to get a Sandbox application ID.
  4. Copy the Sandbox Application ID and Sandbox Access Token.
  5. In the left pane, choose Locations, and the copy the Sandbox location ID.
  6. Paste the application ID, location ID, and Sandbox access token into a temporary text file.


The Sandbox access token is a secure secret. Don't share it with anyone or upload it to the cloud.

An animation showing the process for getting application credentials in the Developer Dashboard.

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2. Configure the quickstart access token

The quickstart server code calls the CreatePayment endpoint and needs to be updated to use your Sandbox access token.

  1. In the project root folder, create a copy of the .env.example file and name it .env.sandbox.

    The dotenv library is used to manage secrets that shouldn't be made public. The .env.sandbox file should never be committed.

  2. Open the copied file to edit.

  3. Define SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN with your Sandbox access token from the Developer Dashboard.

  4. Restart your server for the Sandbox test environment (npm run dev) to use this new value.

You need a Sandbox application ID and Sandbox location ID in the following steps. You should paste these values into a text file or leave the Developer Dashboard open in another browser tab so that you can copy the values as needed.

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3. Add pay elements to the page

  1. Replace the body of public/index.html with this HTML:

    <form id="payment-form"> <div id="card-container"></div> <button id="card-button" type="button">Pay $1.00</button> </form> <div id="payment-status-container"></div>

    This HTML adds an element (div id="card-container") that the Web Payments SDK attaches the card element to and adds a button that starts the tokenization process.

    Did you know?

    The SDK also enables the Apple Pay, Google Pay, ACH (bank transfer), Square gift card, and Cash App Pay payment methods.

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4. Attach the Card payment method to the pay elements

The following JavaScript instantiates the SDK, provides the Card payment object, attaches it to the page, and generates the payment token:

  1. Add an empty <script> tag to the <head> of index.html after <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>.

    <script> </script>
  2. Add the following global constants inside the <script> tag, substituting the IDs from the Developer Dashboard for the placeholder ({YOUR_SANDBOX_APPLICATION_ID} and {YOUR_SANDBOX_LOCATION_ID}) values:

    const appId = '{YOUR_SANDBOX_APPLICATION_ID}'; const locationId = '{YOUR_SANDBOX_LOCATION_ID}';
  3. Add the following code inside the <script> tag:

The code does the following:

  1. Initializes the Web Payments SDK by calling Square.payments(appId, locationId).
  2. Initializes the Card payment method by calling the Payments .card() method and attaching the payment method to the page DOM by calling the Card .attach() method.


The Card payment method of the Web Payments SDK automatically infers whether to display the ZIP code, postal code, or postcode based on the issuing country of the buyer's credit card. Depending on the card that's used, the SDK automatically removes the postal code if the card's issuing country doesn't require the postal code for the payment.

Test the application

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

    A graphic showing the Quickstart web page after all walkthrough steps are completed and a Pay $1.00 button.


You should see the payment card input rendered on your page.

If you need to clear the contents of the card entry fields for the buyer, call card.destroy() to destroy the object and then call the initializeCard(payments) function again to initialize and attach the card to your application DOM.

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5. Get the payment token from the Card payment method

Before you can take a payment, you need to configure your developer credentials, which can be found in the Developer Dashboard.

This example uses the Square Sandbox to accept a payment. You should use the Card-not-present success state values. However, if you choose to use your own payment card, the Sandbox doesn't charge it.

  1. Add the following code after the initializeCard function inside the <script> tag:

  2. Add the following code to the DOMContentLoaded event listener in step 4.3 by replacing // Step 5.2: create card payment with the following code:

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Complete example

The complete DOMContentLoaded Event Listener should look like the following code:

The code does the following:

  1. Binds the Card tokenization to the trigger event, which is clicking the Pay button in this case.
  2. Submits the tokenized card information and payment token by calling the CreatePayment endpoint on the backend.
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Test the application

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

  2. Input the card number 5105 1051 0510 5100 from the Card-not-present success state values. Any CVV or postal code works.

  3. Choose the Pay $1.00 button.

    An animation showing the behavior of the card entry payment method for the Web Payments SDK as credit card information is being added and the Pay $1.00 button is being selected.

You should see a green check mark and Payment successful on the page. The payment is credited to your developer test account. The next section shows how to find the payment in the Sandbox Seller Dashboard.

Look at the Developer Dashboard for a debug log of the payment information.

Did you know?

You can use any value from Sandbox Payments.

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