Add the Web Payments SDK to the Web Client

Applies to: Web Payments SDK | Payments API

Learn how to initialize the Web Payments SDK with the web client and a Square application to accept a card payment, generate a payment token with buyer verification, and send the resulting payment token to the server for payment verification.

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At the highest level, to add the Web Payments SDK to the web client, you need to:

  • Get your application credentials, set up your localhost development environment, and initialize the SDK.
  • Collect buyer input.
  • Tokenize the buyer input in a call to card.tokenize().
  • Pass the token for future use in a server-side call to the CreatePayment endpoint.

The following code demonstrates the basic order of operations:

The following sections explain these steps in more detail and include sample code that you can add to the quickstart repository to test a concept.

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1. Get application credentials

The quickstart application is configured to send requests to the Square Sandbox instead of your production Square account. To find your Sandbox credentials:

  1. Open the Developer Console and choose the plus symbol under Applications to create a new application.
  2. Open the application, and then choose Credentials in the left pane.
  3. At the top of the page, set the Developer Console mode to Sandbox to get to the Sandbox Application ID and Sandbox Access Token values.
  4. In the left pane, choose Locations to find the Sandbox Location ID.
  5. Paste all of these Sandbox credentials (Application ID, Location ID, and Sandbox Access Token) into a temporary text file.


Your Sandbox credentials are secure secrets. Don't share these values with anyone or upload them to the cloud.

An animation showing the process for getting application credentials and location ID in the Developer Console.

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2. Configure the quickstart access token

The quickstart server code calls the CreatePayment endpoint and needs to be updated to use your Sandbox access token.

  1. In the project root folder, create a copy of the .env.example file and name it .env.sandbox.

    The dotenv library is used to manage secrets that shouldn't be made public. The .env.sandbox file should never be committed.

  2. In .env.sandbox, define SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN with your Sandbox access token from the Developer Console.

  3. Restart your server for the Sandbox test environment (npm run dev) to use this new value.

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3. Add pay elements to the page

  1. Replace the contents of the <body> in public/index.html with the following HTML elements:

    <form id="payment-form"> <div id="card-container"></div> <button id="card-button" type="button">Pay $1.00</button> </form> <div id="payment-status-container"></div>

    This HTML adds an element (div id="card-container") that the Web Payments SDK attaches the card element to and adds a button that starts the tokenization process.

    Did you know?

    The SDK also enables the Apple Pay, Google Pay, ACH (bank transfer), Square gift card, and Cash App Pay payment methods.

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4. Attach the Card payment method to the pay elements

The quickstart code already includes the following <script> tag to initialize the SDK. Add this tag to your own application if you're working outside the quickstart.

<script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>
  1. Add an empty <script> tag to the <head> of index.html.

    <script> </script>
  2. Add the following global constants inside the <script> tag, substituting the IDs from the Developer Console for the placeholder ({YOUR_SANDBOX_APPLICATION_ID} and {YOUR_SANDBOX_LOCATION_ID}) values:

    const appId = '{YOUR_SANDBOX_APPLICATION_ID}'; const locationId = '{YOUR_SANDBOX_LOCATION_ID}';
  3. Add the following code inside the <script> tag, beneath your credentials:

The code does the following:

  • Defines a helper initializeCard function.
  • In the event listener, initializes the Square payments object by calling Square.payments(appId, locationId).
  • In the event listener, calls the initializeCard helper.
  • The initializeCard helper calls the Payments .card() method to initialize the Card and calls the Card .attach() method to attach the payment method to the DOM.

Test the application

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

    A graphic showing the Quickstart web page after all walkthrough steps are completed and a Pay $1.00 button.


You should see the payment card input rendered on your page.

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5. Set up the card payment tokenization method

  1. Collect input from the customer to pass to Card.tokenize(). You need to pass the following properties in a verificationDetails object:

    • amount - The amount of the card payment to be charged.
    • billingContact - The buyer's contact information for billing.
    • intent - The transactional intent of the payment.
    • sellerKeyedIn - Indicates that the seller keyed in payment details on behalf of the customer. This is used to flag a payment as Mail Order / Telephone Order (MOTO).
    • customerInitiated - Indicates whether the customer initiated the payment.
    • currencyCode - The three-letter ISO 4217 currency code.


    Provide as much buyer information as possible for billingContact so that you get more accurate decline rate performance from 3DS authentication.

    To follow along and continue adding code in the quickstart repository, declare a verificationDetails object as a constant after the appId and locationId.


    Don't hardcode any buyer information in production. These example instructions are for testing only.

  2. Declare a token object to handle the result of the card.tokenize(verificationDetails) function call. Include the await parameter.

    const tokenResult = await card.tokenize(verificationDetails);

    To add the code to the quickstart, wrap the call to card.tokenize(verificationDetails) in a helper function as shown in the following example. Add the helper to the <script> tag.

    async function tokenize(card) { const tokenResult = await card.tokenize(verificationDetails); if (tokenResult.status === 'OK') { return tokenResult.token; } else { let errorMessage = `Tokenization failed-status: ${tokenResult.status}`; if (tokenResult.errors) { errorMessage += ` and errors: ${JSON.stringify( tokenResult.errors )}`; } throw new Error(errorMessage); } }
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6. Pass the result of the card payment tokenization method to CreatePayment

  1. Define the createPayment helper function.

    The createPayment helper function passes the token to the server to make the CreatePayment call.

    The following is an example createPayment helper function. Add it to the quickstart in the <script> under initializeCard.

  2. Declare a Payment object to store the result of the call to createPayment.

    const paymentResults = await createPayment(token);

    Define the Payment within a handlePaymentMethodSubmission helper function. When the cardButton element is clicked, handlePaymentMethodSubmission calls the tokenize card and create payment methods sequentially.

    To keep working in the quickstart, nest handlePaymentMethodSubmission within the DomContentLoaded event listener that you added in step 4.

    handlePaymentMethodSubmission also calls a helper displayPaymentResults function that displays whether the transaction was a success. Add displayPaymentResults to the <script> tag under the tokenize function definition.

    function displayPaymentResults(status) { const statusContainer = document.getElementById( 'payment-status-container' ); if (status === 'SUCCESS') { statusContainer.classList.remove('is-failure'); statusContainer.classList.add('is-success'); } else { statusContainer.classList.remove('is-success'); statusContainer.classList.add('is-failure'); } = 'visible'; }
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7. Test the application

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

  2. Complete the card payment form and submit a test payment with a card-not-present test credit card from Sandbox Payments.

  3. Use an SCA test card with a challenge type of "Modal with Verification Code".

    The following modal launches:

    A graphic showing the SCA cardholder authentication window that appears when the verifyBuyer function is called.

  4. Enter the verification code in the pop-up window and choose Authenticate. After authentication, the application sends the payment request to complete the card payment.

  5. Add a console.log() to check the token in your browser or check your terminal for the returned TokenResult object to confirm that the payment token is generated.

  6. Refresh your browser and use a test card from the Card-not-present success state values table or an SCA test card with no challenge.

  7. Check the console log again in your browser or the returned TokenResult object to confirm that the payment token is generated.

If you have any issues with testing, copy and paste the following into the quickstart index.html:

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Verify the Payment

The payment is credited to the Sandbox test account whose access token is used in the application that you just built. To see the payment in the Sandbox Square Dashboard, go to the Developer Console.

  1. Choose Sandbox test accounts from the left panel.
  2. Choose Default Test Account.
  3. Choose Open in Square Dashboard.
  4. Choose Transactions from the left panel.
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Next step

Deploy the Application