Applies to: In-App Payments SDK - Android
Learn how to enable Secure Remote Commerce on an Android device.
Use the following step-by-step instructions to integrate Secure Remote Commerce (SRC) with the In-App Payments SDK on an Android device. The SRC integration provides the ability for an application to offer Mastercard Click to Pay for a payment.
To enable SRC with the In-App Payments SDK on Android, the following must be true:
- You're a US-based Square seller. SRC for the In-App Payments SDK is only available for Square sellers based in the United States.
- You've followed the instructions in Build on Android. This topic doesn't cover the general setup of the In-App Payments SDK.
- You've read and will adhere to the Mastercard brand guidelines.
- SRC isn't supported in the Square Sandbox.
Add the SRC binary dependency to the build.gradle file of your :app
dependencies {
implementation ''
Create the image for your Click to Pay button by following the guidance on the Mastercard Branding Requirements page. Choose Use in digital payments and then choose Signaling Mastercard Click to Pay enablement. The image you create should look like the following:
The examples on this page assume that you have created a PNG file (src_logo_button) and added it as a resource in the drawable folder in your project resources.
If you don't obtain an SRC image and store it in your project, you should download the image URL at runtime, convert the image into a PNG, and cache it.
Add a clickable item to your activity layout for starting an SRC payment. Step 6 shows you how to add an onClickListener
to the item you create.
Add the SRC dependencies in the activity class where you're integrating SRC.
import sqip.SecureRemoteCommerce;
import sqip.SecureRemoteCommerceParameters;
Declare the following fields as a private Activity
private Button startSecureRemoteCommerceButton;
Create a click listener that starts a Click to Pay activity. In the following example, a payment amount of $1 USD is requested. Note that the amount field is processed as the payment amount in cents. For example, passing a value of 100 asks for a payment of $1 USD.
startSecureRemoteCommerceButton = findViewById(;
(view) -> SecureRemoteCommerce.createPaymentDataRequest(this,
new SecureRemoteCommerceParameters(100))
The example compares the requestCode
value to the SRC activity enumeration and if the values match, the token is obtained from the SDK by calling SecureRemoteCommerce.handleActivityResult
and showing the token in a Toast message.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
SecureRemoteCommerce.handleActivityResult(data, result -> {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, result.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else if (result.isError()) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, result.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();