Configure the Reader SDK Sample Application

Applies to: Reader SDK - Android | Reader SDK - iOS

Learn how to download and configure the Reader SDK sample application from GitHub and configure it for your environment.


The Square Reader SDK is deprecated and will be retired on December 31, 2025. The SDK is no longer receiving new releases and support for new operating systems isn't guaranteed.

The Mobile Payments SDK launched as the successor of the Reader SDK and is now in General Availability (GA). To ensure continued support and functionality, you should migrate your application from the Reader SDK to the Mobile Payments SDK before the retirement date.

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Download the Reader SDK sample application from GitHub and complete the following steps to configure the sample application for your environment:

  1. Download the Reader SDK sample application for Android and then return to this page to proceed.

  2. Sign in to the Developer Console and open your application.

  3. In the left pane, choose Reader SDK.

  4. At the top of the page, change the environment from Sandbox to Production.

  5. Copy the application ID and repository password.

  6. In ./, set the variables for your Square application ID and repository password from the Reader SDK page by replacing the '{}' characters and the uppercase placeholder text between them with your application credentials.

  7. Import the project into Android Studio.

    If you run into errors while building the project, you should clean the project and reopen Android Studio before continuing.

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