Take Payments on Hardware

Learn about Square hardware solutions, explore use cases for in-person payments, and identify the APIs and SDKs that best suit your development goals and application requirements.

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Square hardware

When developing payment integrations for Square sellers, consider the types of hardware devices used for taking payments. All Square hardware is PCI compliant and supports chip and PIN, contactless card, and digital wallet payments. Some devices also accept magstripe (swiped) card payments.

An image of a Square Terminal T2 showing a charge of $65.00 USD on the screen.
Square Terminal
An all-in-one device that accepts payments, processes orders, prints receipts, and features a buyer-facing display for customer interaction. While portable, the Square Terminal is ideally suited for countertop payments and can accept chip and PIN, contactless, and magstripe payments.

An image of the Square Reader hardware.
Square Reader
A pocket-sized device that can accept chip and PIN and contactless payments on the move or over the counter. Square Reader packs a powerful battery so you can take payments anywhere your customers are.

An image of the Square Stand hardware.
Square Stand
An iPad-based Point of Sale system that's ideal for countertops. It features a large display that swivels 180 degrees for customer interaction and includes a built-in Square reader. The Square Stand accepts chip and PIN and contactless payments.

An image of the Square Kiosk mounted on a wall.
Square Kiosk
An iPad-based self-ordering kiosk hardware with multiple mounting options. Like the Square Stand, the Square Kiosk includes a built-in Square reader to accept chip and PIN and contactless payments. Square Kiosk can be mounted on a tabletop or wall, making it ideal for self-service kiosks or over-the-counter payments.
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Your hardware

Build Tap to Pay functionality into your integration to enable contactless card and digital wallet payments with just a phone, without the need for Square hardware.

An image of a contactless card payment made using Tap to Pay on an iPhone.

The Mobile Payments SDK and Point of Sale API support Tap to Pay on iPhone and Tap to Pay on Android so sellers can use your application with devices they already own. To see which phones are supported, see compatible devices. Tap to Pay isn't available on tablets.

For platform-specific requirements and setup guides, read the following documentation:

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In-person payment APIs and SDKs

As a developer, you have various API and SDK options when creating an integration for in-person payments with Square and its hardware.

  • Terminal API - Allows you to connect any type of application running on any device across all operating systems to the Square Terminal for payment processing. Use the Terminal API along with the Devices API to read information about Square Terminals connected to your application.

  • Mobile Payments SDK - Allows you to embed the Square payment flow directly into native iOS or Android mobile applications to process payments using a Square Reader, Square Stand, Square Kiosk, and Tap to Pay on iPhone and Android mobile devices. The Mobile Payments SDK is available to developers serving sellers in the United States, Canada, and Australia.

  • Point of Sale API - Allows you to open Square Point of Sale on top of your native mobile or mobile web application UI to process payments using Square Reader, Square Stand, and Tap to Pay on iPhone and Android mobile devices. Square recommends integrating with the Mobile Payments SDK (rather than the Point of Sale API) for a more seamless checkout experience, unless you require capabilities only supported on the Point of Sale API (such as greater regional support and mobile web application integration). For more information, see Compare payment models.

All Square APIs work together across the developer platform. When building integrations with Square in-person payment APIs and SDKs, you should also integrate with the following APIs:

  • Payments API - Use to take and manage payments. The in-person payment APIs and SDKs incorporate the Payments API to take payments on a seller's behalf. You can call the Payments API directly to view, complete, or cancel payments.
  • Orders API - Use to view and compile sales data for payments and to itemize payments using custom line items.
  • Catalog API - Use to manage a seller's catalog of items, variations, categories, and modifiers and to apply taxes and discounts to orders.
  • Inventory API - Use to manage inventory counts and inventory changes of Square catalog items.
  • Customers API - Use to save and manage data about customers who make purchases with your application.
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In-person payment use cases

Square hardware solutions and in-person payment APIs and SDKs are recommended for three general use cases:

Customers visit a business such as a retail store, restaurant, or clinic to provide a payment to a seller in person.

For example, a clinic management application uses the Terminal API to allow sellers to collect payments, print receipts, and engage customers in person in various workflows (such as capturing signatures), all through a Square Terminal device.

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Compare payment models

Consider the following criteria when deciding which Square API, SDK, and hardware combinations are best for your payment integration:

  • Hardware requirements - Evaluate factors such as connectivity, portability, and your need for features like receipt printers or buyer-facing displays.
  • Application and seller requirements - Evaluate factors such as your application type, payment methods, capabilities required, and seller regional availability.
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Application and hardware support

CriteriaMobile Payments SDKPoint of Sale APITerminal API
Application support
  • Native mobile
  • Native mobile
  • Mobile web
  • Native mobile
  • Mobile web
  • Desktop
Devices and operating systemsiOS and Android phones and tabletsiOS and Android phones and tabletsAny device on any operating system
Hardware Compatibility
  • Square Reader
  • Square Stand
  • Square Kiosk
  • Tap to Pay on iPhone and Android (Beta)
  • Square Reader
  • Square Stand
  • Tap to Pay on iPhone and Android
  • Square Terminal
Hardware Cost (pricing varies by country)LowerLowerHigher
PortabilityHighly portable (Pocket-sized - Square Reader, Tap to Pay)Highly portable (Pocket-sized - Square Reader, Tap to Pay)Less portable (larger, but standalone and compact)
Hardware connectivityBluetoothBluetooth (Square Reader and Square Stand)Built-in Wi-Fi or optional ethernet (using hub)
Network connectivityRelies on mobile device Wi-Fi or cellular dataRelies on mobile device Wi-Fi or cellular dataBuilt-in Wi-Fi or optional ethernet (using hub)
Built-in receipt printer
Buyer-facing display✅ (Square Stand and Square Kiosk)✅ (Square Stand and Square Kiosk)
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Checkout flow and key capabilities

CriteriaMobile Payments SDKPoint of Sale APITerminal API
Square-branded and hosted checkout flow
Checkout experienceEmbedded within your applicationRedirects to the Square Point of Sale checkout flowHandled on the Square Terminal
Itemization with Square Orders✅ (US, UK, Canada, AU, Japan, EU)
Offline payments✅ (Beta - seller opt-in required)
Tip collection
Square-provided UI screens
  • Payment prompt
  • Settings screen
  • Redirects to the Square Point of Sale checkout flow
  • Confirmation screen
  • Signature capture
  • Customer data collection
  • Menu selection list
  • QR code display
  • Cart screen
  • Tip collection screen
Collect developer application fees
Associate payments with a location and team member
Programmatic device management and monitoring✅ (with the Devices API)
Delayed capture
Card-present refunds
Square Sandbox testing
Flutter and React Native plugins
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Security, payment methods, and availability

CriteriaMobile Payments SDKPoint of Sale APITerminal API
Supported payment methods
  • Card payments
  • Afterpay/Clearpay
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Square gift cards
  • Card payments
  • Afterpay/Clearpay
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Square gift cards
  • PayPay QR Code payments
  • E-money payments
  • Card payments
  • Afterpay/Clearpay
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • QR Code payments (Japan)
  • E-money payments
  • Square gift cards
Supported regionsUnited States, Canada, AustraliaUnited States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, Spain, France, and JapanUnited States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, Spain, France, and Japan
Square handles PCI compliance
Square assists with disputes and chargebacks
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Next steps

As you build your integration, consider the requirements and benefits of submitting your application to the Square App Marketplace and explore opportunities for partnerships with Square.