Cancel or Delete Invoices

Applies to: Invoices API

Learn how to use Invoices API endpoints to cancel a published invoice or delete a draft invoice.

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Cancel an invoice

To cancel a published invoice, call CancelInvoice and provide the following information:

  • The ID of the invoice to cancel. The invoice must be in the SCHEDULED, UNPAID, or PARTIALLY_PAID state.
  • The current version of the invoice.

If you need to get the ID and version, call SearchInvoices or ListInvoices. If you have the ID but need the version, call GetInvoice.

The following is an example request:

Cancel invoice

If the request succeeds, Square returns a 200 status code and the canceled invoice, as shown in the following excerpt:

{ "invoice": { "id": "gt2zv1z6mnUm1V7example", "version": 2, "location_id": "S8GWD5example", "order_id": "AdSjVqPCzOAQqvTnzy46VLexample", ... "status": "CANCELED", ... } }

After an invoice is canceled, Square does the following:

  • Sets the status of the invoice to CANCELED. Canceled invoices remain accessible in the seller account and are returned by GetInvoice, ListInvoices, and SearchInvoices requests.
  • Updates the associated order based on the invoice status:
    • SCHEDULED or UNPAID invoices - Sets the order state to CANCELED and sets the state of any open fulfillments on the order to CANCELED.

    • PARTIALLY_PAID invoices - Sets the order state to COMPLETED and replaces existing line items with a new CUSTOM_AMOUNT line item totaling the partially paid amount.

      Square doesn't automatically refund any payment amount.

  • Stops any automatic scheduled actions, such as sending reminders or charging a card on file. Sellers can no longer collect payments from a canceled invoice.
  • Notifies the seller, if the Canceled notification is enabled in the seller's notification settings.
  • Notifies the customer, as determined by the delivery_method setting for the invoice:
    • For EMAIL, Square sends an email notification.
    • For SMS, Square sends a text message.
    • For SHARE_MANUALLY, Square doesn't notify the customer.
  • Invokes invoice.updated and invoice.canceled webhook events. order.updated events are also invoked after Square updates the associated order.

You cannot cancel invoices in the DRAFT state or in the PAID, REFUNDED, CANCELED, or FAILED terminal state. Note that you can delete a DRAFT invoice.


Invoices aren't automatically updated or canceled if the customer profile assigned as the invoice recipient is deleted from the Customer Directory. If the invoice has remaining scheduled payments, Square continues to send the invoice to the address. Any remaining automatic payments fail, but the customer can still enter the payment information on the invoice payment page.

Consider canceling these invoices if there isn't a valid reason to keep them.

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Delete an invoice

To delete an invoice, call DeleteInvoice and provide the following information:

  • The ID of the invoice to delete. The invoice must be in the DRAFT state. If you need to get the ID, call SearchInvoices or ListInvoices.

The following is an example request:

Delete invoice

If the request succeeds, Square returns a 200 status code and an empty object.


If the request fails, Square returns a status code ranging from 400 to 599 and an errors field containing error information.

{ "errors": [ { "code": "BAD_REQUEST", "detail": "Only DRAFT invoices can be deleted", "category": "INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR" } ] }

After an invoice is deleted, Square does the following:

  • Removes the invoice from the seller account. Deleted invoices aren't returned by GetInvoice, ListInvoices, or SearchInvoices requests.
  • Permanently deletes any attachments.
  • Changes the state of the associated order to CANCELED.
  • Invokes an invoice.deleted webhook event. The order.updated event is also invoked after Square sets the associated order to the CANCELED state.
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See also