Localize In-App Payments

Applies to: In-App Payments SDK - Android | In-App Payments SDK - iOS

Learn how to localize an In-App Payments application for Android or iOS.

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The In-App Payments SDK is localized to support the following languages:

  • English (Australia)
  • English (Canada)
  • English (Ireland)
  • English (United Kingdom)
  • English (United States)
  • French (Canada)
  • French (France)
  • Japanese
  • Spanish
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The In-App Payments SDK for Android uses the locale of the device that your application is running on to determine which set of localized string prompts to use. If you want to test your localized application in development, you can set the Android Emulator locale to a local for the English language (en-rAU, en-rCA, en-rGB, or en-rIE), Spanish (es), French (fr-rCA or fr-rFR), or Japanese (ja).

  1. Start an Android Emulator.
  2. Open the Custom Locale settings application on the emulator.
  3. Choose the locale that you want to set for the emulator.
  4. Choose Select to set the locale.

The following is the localization options supported with the initial release of the In-App Payment SDK. As more regions are added, this list is updated.

A graphic showing the localization options in Android Emulator that are supported with the initial release of the In-App Payment SDK.

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Your application must be configured to support these localizations before a user in one of these regions can use the payment form in the language for the region. Complete the following steps to configure your application:

  1. Edit your Xcode project schema to set Application Language to System Language.

    A graphic showing your Xcode project schema, with Application Language set to System Language.

  2. Edit the project settings on the info tab and add a localization for each of the languages supported by the SDK.

    A graphic showing the XCode Info tab, where you can add a localization for each language supported by the SDK.

It isn't necessary to localize the SDK strings in your application. Adding a localization entry on the info tab lets your application support a given language while the SDK supplies the localized strings for the payment form.

For English language regions, UI strings can vary depending on the region. For example, "ZIP code" is "postcode" in the United Kingdom.

A graphic showing how credit card UI strings, such as ZIP code and postcode, can vary by region.

If Spanish is set as the device language and the application includes the Spanish localization, the following is seen in the SDK payment form:

A graphic showing how a VISA credit card appears in the SDK payment form if Spanish is set as the device language and the application includes the Spanish localization.

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