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Stores information about an invoice.

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Read only The Square-assigned ID of the invoice.

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The Square-assigned version number, which is incremented each time an update is committed to the invoice.

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The ID of the location that this invoice is associated with.

If specified in a CreateInvoice request, the value must match the location_id of the associated order.

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The ID of the order for which the invoice is created. This field is required when creating an invoice, and the order must be in the OPEN state.

To view the line items and other information for the associated order, call the RetrieveOrder endpoint using the order ID.

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The customer who receives the invoice. This customer data is displayed on the invoice and used by Square to deliver the invoice.

This field is required to publish an invoice, and it must specify the customer_id.

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The payment schedule for the invoice, represented by one or more payment requests that define payment settings, such as amount due and due date. An invoice supports the following payment request combinations:

  • One balance
  • One deposit with one balance
  • 2–12 installments
  • One deposit with 2–12 installments

This field is required when creating an invoice. It must contain at least one payment request. All payment requests for the invoice must equal the total order amount. For more information, see Configuring payment requests.

Adding INSTALLMENT payment requests to an invoice requires an Invoices Plus subscription.

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The delivery method that Square uses to send the invoice, reminders, and receipts to the customer. After the invoice is published, Square processes the invoice based on the delivery method and payment request settings, either immediately or on the scheduled_at date, if specified. For example, Square might send the invoice or receipt for an automatic payment. For invoices with automatic payments, this field must be set to EMAIL.

One of the following is required when creating an invoice:

  • (Recommended) This delivery_method field. To configure an automatic payment, the automatic_payment_source field of the payment request is also required.
  • The deprecated request_method field of the payment request. Note that invoice objects returned in responses do not include request_method.
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A user-friendly invoice number that is displayed on the invoice. The value is unique within a location. If not provided when creating an invoice, Square assigns a value. It increments from 1 and is padded with zeros making it 7 characters long (for example, 0000001 and 0000002).

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The title of the invoice, which is displayed on the invoice.

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The description of the invoice, which is displayed on the invoice.

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The timestamp when the invoice is scheduled for processing, in RFC 3339 format. After the invoice is published, Square processes the invoice on the specified date, according to the delivery method and payment request settings.

If the field is not set, Square processes the invoice immediately after it is published.

Examples for January 25th, 2020 6:25:34pm Pacific Standard Time:

UTC: 2020-01-26T02:25:34Z

Pacific Standard Time with UTC offset: 2020-01-25T18:25:34-08:00

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Read only The URL of the Square-hosted invoice page. After you publish the invoice using the PublishInvoice endpoint, Square hosts the invoice page and returns the page URL in the response.

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Read only The current amount due for the invoice. In addition to the amount due on the next payment request, this includes any overdue payment amounts.

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Read only The status of the invoice.

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Read only The time zone used to interpret calendar dates on the invoice, such as due_date. When an invoice is created, this field is set to the timezone specified for the seller location. The value cannot be changed.

For example, a payment due_date of 2021-03-09 with a timezone of America/Los_Angeles becomes overdue at midnight on March 9 in America/Los_Angeles (which equals a UTC timestamp of 2021-03-10T08:00:00Z).

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Read only The timestamp when the invoice was created, in RFC 3339 format.

Examples for January 25th, 2020 6:25:34pm Pacific Standard Time:

UTC: 2020-01-26T02:25:34Z

Pacific Standard Time with UTC offset: 2020-01-25T18:25:34-08:00

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Read only The timestamp when the invoice was last updated, in RFC 3339 format.

Examples for January 25th, 2020 6:25:34pm Pacific Standard Time:

UTC: 2020-01-26T02:25:34Z

Pacific Standard Time with UTC offset: 2020-01-25T18:25:34-08:00

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The payment methods that customers can use to pay the invoice on the Square-hosted invoice page. This setting is independent of any automatic payment requests for the invoice.

This field is required when creating an invoice and must set at least one payment method to true.

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Additional seller-defined fields that are displayed on the invoice. For more information, see Custom fields.

Adding custom fields to an invoice requires an Invoices Plus subscription.

Max: 2 custom fields

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Read only The ID of the subscription associated with the invoice. This field is present only on subscription billing invoices.

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The date of the sale or the date that the service is rendered, in YYYY-MM-DD format. This field can be used to specify a past or future date which is displayed on the invoice.

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France only. The payment terms and conditions that are displayed on the invoice. For more information, see Payment conditions.

For countries other than France, Square returns an INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR with a BAD_REQUEST code and "Payment conditions are not supported for this location's country" detail if this field is included in CreateInvoice or UpdateInvoice requests.

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Indicates whether to allow a customer to save a credit or debit card as a card on file or a bank transfer as a bank account on file. If true, Square displays a Save my card on file or Save my bank on file checkbox on the invoice payment page. Stored payment information can be used for future automatic payments. The default value is false.

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