Identifiers for the location used by various governments for tax purposes.
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Identifiers for the location used by various governments for tax purposes.
Read only The EU VAT number for this location. For example, IE3426675K
. If the EU VAT number is present, it is well-formed and has been validated with VIES, the VAT Information Exchange System.
Read only The SIRET (Système d'Identification du Répertoire des Entreprises et de leurs Etablissements) number is a 14-digit code issued by the French INSEE. For example, 39922799000021
Read only The French government uses the NAF (Nomenclature des Activités Françaises) to display and track economic statistical data. This is also called the APE (Activite Principale de l’Entreprise) code. For example, 6910Z
Read only The NIF (Numero de Identificacion Fiscal) number is a nine-character tax identifier used in Spain. If it is present, it has been validated. For example, 73628495A