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Represents a payment request for an invoice.

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The Square-generated ID of the payment request in an invoice.

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Indicates how Square processes the payment request. DEPRECATED at version 2021-01-21. Replaced by the Invoice.delivery_method and InvoicePaymentRequest.automatic_payment_source fields.

One of the following is required when creating an invoice:

  • (Recommended) The delivery_method field of the invoice. To configure an automatic payment, the automatic_payment_source field of the payment request is also required.
  • This request_method field. Note that invoice objects returned in responses do not include request_method.
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Identifies the payment request type. This type defines how the payment request amount is determined. This field is required to create a payment request.

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The due date (in the invoice's time zone) for the payment request, in YYYY-MM-DD format. This field is required to create a payment request. If an automatic_payment_source is defined for the request, Square charges the payment source on this date.

After this date, the invoice becomes overdue. For example, a payment due_date of 2021-03-09 with a timezone of America/Los_Angeles becomes overdue at midnight on March 9 in America/Los_Angeles (which equals a UTC timestamp of 2021-03-10T08:00:00Z).

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If the payment request specifies DEPOSIT or INSTALLMENT as the request_type, this indicates the request amount. You cannot specify this when request_type is BALANCE or when the payment request includes the percentage_requested field.

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Specifies the amount for the payment request in percentage:

  • When the payment request_type is DEPOSIT, it is the percentage of the order's total amount.
  • When the payment request_type is INSTALLMENT, it is the percentage of the order's total less the deposit, if requested. The sum of the percentage_requested in all installment payment requests must be equal to 100.

You cannot specify this when the payment request_type is BALANCE or when the payment request specifies the fixed_amount_requested_money field.

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If set to true, the Square-hosted invoice page (the public_url field of the invoice) provides a place for the customer to pay a tip.

This field is allowed only on the final payment request
and the payment request_type must be BALANCE or INSTALLMENT.

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The payment method for an automatic payment.

The default value is NONE.

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The ID of the credit or debit card on file to charge for the payment request. To get the cards on file for a customer, call ListCards and include the customer_id of the invoice recipient.

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A list of one or more reminders to send for the payment request.

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Read only The amount of the payment request, computed using the order amount and information from the various payment request fields (request_type, fixed_amount_requested_money, and percentage_requested).

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Read only The amount of money already paid for the specific payment request. This amount might include a rounding adjustment if the most recent invoice payment was in cash in a currency that rounds cash payments (such as, CAD or AUD).

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Read only If the most recent payment was a cash payment in a currency that rounds cash payments (such as, CAD or AUD) and the payment is rounded from computed_amount_money in the payment request, then this field specifies the rounding adjustment applied. This amount might be negative.