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Provides details about the reward tier discount.

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Read only Indicates the scope of the reward tier. DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. You can find this information in the product_set_data field of the PRODUCT_SET catalog object referenced by the pricing rule. For ORDER scopes, all_products is true. For ITEM_VARIATION or CATEGORY scopes, product_ids_any is a list of catalog object IDs of the given type.

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Read only The type of discount the reward tier offers. DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. You can find this information in the discount_data.discount_type field of the DISCOUNT catalog object referenced by the pricing rule.

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Read only The fixed percentage of the discount. Present if discount_type is FIXED_PERCENTAGE. For example, a 7.25% off discount will be represented as "7.25". DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. You can find this information in the discount_data.percentage field of the DISCOUNT catalog object referenced by the pricing rule.

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string [ ]

Read only The list of catalog objects to which this reward can be applied. They are either all item-variation ids or category ids, depending on the type field. DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. You can find this information in the product_set_data.product_ids_any field of the PRODUCT_SET catalog object referenced by the pricing rule.

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Read only The amount of the discount. Present if discount_type is FIXED_AMOUNT. For example, $5 off. DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. You can find this information in the discount_data.amount_money field of the DISCOUNT catalog object referenced by the pricing rule.

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Read only When discount_type is FIXED_PERCENTAGE, the maximum discount amount that can be applied. DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. You can find this information in the discount_data.maximum_amount_money field of the DISCOUNT catalog object referenced by the the pricing rule.