Deprecated Items in the Square Data Model

Learn about the current status of deprecated Square objects, fields, enums, and values.

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To provide new features or improved functionality, Square might deprecate objects, fields, enums, or values in the data model. When items are deprecated, you should migrate to the replacement as soon as possible to avoid disruption when the item is retired in a future Square API version. The Square Developer Platform attempts to minimize changes that require code updates.


All Connect v1 objects and enums are deprecated or retired.

The Deprecated page in the Square API Reference lists all deprecated endpoints and webhooks. Each deprecated endpoint documents its deprecation date and, where applicable, the replacement endpoint, estimated retirement date, and migration guide.

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Deprecated objects and fields

The following objects are deprecated, along with all of their fields:

The following deprecated fields belong to objects that are not deprecated:

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Deprecated enums and values

The following enums are deprecated, along with all of their values:

The following deprecated values belong to enums that are not deprecated:

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See also