Webhook Event Logs

Webhook event logs let you see information about a webhook event notification that was created by an API request. You can see the payload of the notification, as well as which endpoint the notification was sent to.

You can use the webhook event logs to see:

  • The status code returned by your endpoint when it received the webhook event notification.
  • When the event notification was sent and when it was received.
  • The reason why a retry occurred for the notification.
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View webhook event logs

You view the webhook event logs in the Developer Dashboard. Choose an application, choose Webhooks in the left pane, and then choose Events. Webhook event logs are maintained for a rolling 28-day period.

The main page for the webhook event logs shows the following:

Webhooks overview-numbered

  1. Use the filter to find webhook events by date.
  2. Select an event to see more details, including the payload sent to your webhook event notification endpoint.
  3. Search webhook events by event type, event ID, and other attributes.
  4. Set Automatic Refresh to On to automatically update the webhook events page.
  5. Select to include additional columns.

You can set which columns are shown using the "+" to the right of the column headings. Columns include Status code, Event type, Sent at, and Retry reason.

Webhooks filters

When you select an event from the webhook events page, you can see a summary of the webhook event and the payload that was sent to the webhook event notification endpoint.

Webhooks summary

The Payload tab shows the notification that was sent to your webhook event notification endpoint.

Webhooks payload

Link to section

See also