GraphQL Explorer Overview

Square GraphQL Explorer is an interactive web application that lets you write, validate, and send queries for Square data. You can use GraphQL Explorer features (such as code completion, syntax validation, and on-page schema documentation) as you write queries and then run your queries against your own Square data. To access GraphQL Explorer, open and sign in to your Square account.

You can use GraphQL Explorer to:

  • Query the GraphQL endpoint in the Sandbox or production environment.

  • Browse the schema documentation to find available fields, type information, and query syntax.

  • Retrieve data for a single merchant using a personal or OAuth access token and filtering by the merchant's ID.

    In a single query, you can retrieve data from one or more supported Square graphs, such as Orders, Catalog, Customers, and Payments.


Square GraphQL supports query operations only. Mutations and subscriptions aren't supported. Queries are subject to rate and cost limiting.

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Feature overview

After you set up GraphQL Explorer, you can enter queries in the left pane and run them to see real-time results against your Square data.

A screenshot of GraphQL Explorer with numbered features.

1. Sandbox or Production toggle

Lets you choose between the Sandbox or production environment. This selection determines whether GraphQL Explorer sends queries to the Sandbox endpoint or the production endpoint.

2. Run request button

Sends the current query and any query variables to Square GraphQL. Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcut to send the query.

3. Add access token button

Lists the personal access tokens for the signed-in account. When you select an access token, it's added to the Request Headers pane and used for your queries. If you switch between Sandbox and production, you must reselect an access token that's valid for the environment. For more information, see Get set up to run queries.

To test a specific set of permissions, you can paste an OAuth access token into the Request Headers pane.

4. Sample query button

Lets you select a sample query to load into the query pane. Square provides a sample query for every graph entry point. All sample queries use query variables, so you need to enter valid values into the Query Variables pane before running the query.

5. Prettify button

Applies proper spacing and indentation and removes comments and extra line breaks.

6. Query pane

Lets you enter and edit queries and provides code completion, code hints, and syntax and schema highlighting and validation. For code completion, you can begin typing or use Ctrl+Space to show suggestions.

7. Query Variables pane

Stores the variables used in the query and their values. Using variables in queries is optional, but all sample queries use them. For more information, see Variables.

8. Request Headers pane

Stores the request headers for the query. All queries require an Authorization header and bearer access token. If you want to test OAuth permissions, paste the OAuth access token directly into this pane.

You can include "x-graphql-include-debug": 1 in the request headers to return an extensions object with debugging information. Currently, this object contains the query's complexity score and a request ID that you can provide to Square support.

9. Results pane

Shows real-time responses with results and error information for the queries you run.

10. Documentation Explorer

Provides searchable schema documentation. If this pane is hidden, open it using the Docs button. For more information, see Browse the schema documentation.

In addition, you can toggle between light and dark mode or leave feedback using the controls at the bottom of the page.

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Get set up to run queries

  1. Sign in to GraphQL Explorer using your Square account credentials.


    Don't have a Square account? It only takes a few minutes to sign up and create a free account.

  2. Choose Add access token and then choose an access token. This token is automatically added to the Request Headers pane and authorizes access to all data in your Square account. If you forget this step, you'll see {\"message\":\"Failed to fetch\"} in the results pane.

  3. Get your merchant ID, which is required for most queries. Remove any existing content from the query pane and enter the following query:

    { currentMerchant { id } }

    Note that the currentMerchant entry point provides quick access to the ID and other properties for the merchant associated with the access token, such as businessName, currency, and locations. For example, you can also query for the ID of the main location.

    { currentMerchant { id mainLocation { id } } }
  4. Choose Run request and then copy the merchant id from the response.

  5. In the Query Variables pane, replace the placeholder value for the merchantId variable with the ID you copied (if needed).

You're now set up to send GraphQL queries. If you select a sample query, make sure to check the Query Variables pane to see whether you need to provide another variable.

Did you know?

The Square and GraphQL - Code Example (Node.js) sample application includes a script you can run to upload test data to your Square account.

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Browse the schema documentation

The Documentation Explorer pane documents the Square graph schema, which describes the data that you can query for. As you write queries, you can check the schema to find available fields, relationships, type information, and valid query syntax. If the pane isn't showing, choose the Docs button to open it.

Each graph provides at least one entry point. To see the fields that represent supported graph entry points, choose the top-level Query root type. Entry points show their corresponding connection type and accepted arguments. For example, the Cards graph provides a cardsOnFile entry point that:

  • Represents a CardOnFileConnection object.
  • Requires a filter argument.
  • Accepts after and orderBy arguments.

You can browse the schema hierarchy by choosing field or type links and using the back button and search box. For steps that use the schema documentation to write a query, see Build your First GraphQL Query.


Although Square graphs generally reflect the latest version of the corresponding Square APIs, you should use the current schema as the source of truth for GraphQL support.

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See also