What Should I Build?

Sellers often make feature requests for Square product enhancements when they have a use case that might not be supported in a Square product. If you're considering building an app and aren’t sure what you want to build, check out the Square Seller Community. You can request a new feature by selecting the Square product you want to see improved. You’ll see the existing requests from Square sellers, which you can use as ideas for your app project.

A graphic showing the Square App Marketplace home page

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App Marketplace categories

The Square App Marketplace is organized into the following categories:

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Popular feature requests

Square hosts the Square Seller Community to let sellers share best practices about Square products and App Marketplace applications built by developer partners. The community is also the place where sellers ask for new features in the applications they use. If you're building an application for the App Marketplace and want to ensure that you're meeting seller needs, we encourage you to engage with sellers in the community to learn more about their needs.

The following table provides links to the Square Seller Community product ideation groups where sellers request features. You might find the feature requests for Square products that you're integrating with to be the most valuable.

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Additional resources

The following resources provide guidance to get your app approved for publication:

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