Hi. I’m a Square user. We are using Square with Wordpress and plugins. I’m pretty familiar with Wordpress, but not with Square.
What I’m hoping for is documentation meant for someone like me: I didn’t write the code. I had to follow instructions to initialize connections between the plugins and Square. But when things don’t work, I still have to figure out what is going on. Obviously, I look to the support teams for those plugins, but they don’t have access to my Square console, so there seem to be limits to what they are able to do.
Can anyone recommend a higher-level guide into the overall operation of how Square works, and especially how you would track down individual problems?
(FWIW, I usually get pretty far just by googling detailed error messages, but that has been spectacularly unuseful with Square so far — I don’t know why.)
I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:
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With integrations like the WordPress integration all the API calls and functions of the integrations are managed by WordPress. They maintain the services and code that powers the integration. If something isn’t working as expected we recommend reaching out to WordPress for additional assistance.
First of all, a small correction. WordPress is an open source system, and there are many 3rd party providers of plugins, and it is those providers who write the code that calls the APIs, etc. WordPress itself does not have any “native” Square functionality.
That said, I’ve tried to work with the plugin provider’s support, and they weren’t able to figure out what was going on and recommended I contact Square support. You see my problem?
I kind of expected your answer. To give an idea of what I was wishing to hear, let me outline the kind of information that would be useful to me:
“If a transaction fails, you can find out more about what happened by looking <somewhere in the square console>. You can identify the corresponding record(s) by <some series of steps>. You can tell what step in the transaction failed by <something> and follow the error codes to the corresponding documentation.”
I suspect there would be many people who would find this useful.
If your using the WooCommerce Square plugin that is the plugin that’s maintained by WordPress. If your using another plugin developed by a 3rd party developer then they would be the ones to reach out to about surfacing declined error messages.
Today the Square Dashboard doesn’t surface declined or failed payments taken with the API. It only shows successful payments in the Dashboard. We’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to share your request to the API product team.