Square payment through a WP web site

Hi there,

I do have a WordPress plugin that already provides the API for Square payments - what I need is some input about testing. I’ve already created the app on the Square backend and have entered details for both production and sandbox environments on my WordPress site - it seems that all is in place but how could I do some testing so I know payments are going through?

I’m new in setting this up with Square so appreciate all the input in order to make things right. My client has given me access to their Square dashboard so I see the Square app that has been created for integration with the website, I can see location ID’s for each environment, is this related to the address of my client’s business? I can see there’s different location ID’s for each environment (production and sandbox).

Anything that I need to check under OAuth options?

I appreciate all the input here.


:wave: If you going to test in sandbox you can use our sandbox test values to test payments. When your ready to take a production payment you can process a real payment with a credit card and refund it once you’ve seen it go through. :slightly_smiling_face:

Any URL that guides through this process? And a checklist of all that is required from the SquareUp end just to make sure this runs smoothly? Appreciate the input @Bryan-Square

I’m not aware of one but a step by step guid would be something that WordPress would provide since all API functions are managed by them. :slightly_smiling_face: