Square, AfterPay, and Woocommerce

Hi there! Having trouble locating something.

I have a client with a Woocommerce website that is processing payments through both Square and PayPal. When their Square account was approved for Afterpay, their Square account manager suggested we download the WooCommerce Afterpay plugin, so that we could offer Afterpay on our website as well. After starting set up, it asks for an Afterpay Merchant ID and Secret Key.

I don’t see anything on the Square site, forums, etc pointing to us being able to get this from Square. And since our Afterpay account is through Square, I don’t believe we can get this from them either.

Any tips?

That looks to be the AfterPay integration that’s used if your not using Square. I’d recommend reaching out to WooCommerce on this. They’ll know exactly what’s needed. :slightly_smiling_face: