The test device ID for a successful terminal payment (no tip) for the Terminal API Sandbox (listed here) never completes and times out after the deadline duration is exceeded.
The specific device ID is 9fa747a2-25ff-48ee-b078-04381f7c828f and this is occurring for amounts under $25 USD. This seems to have started about a week ago.
@jesseg I took a look at your logs and I see that you are passing in an amount of $0.11. The minimum amount to charge for the Terminal API is $1.00. Which is why the checkout remains in progress then cancels. If you pass in the amount of 100 it will complete as expected. For example:
Thanks, Bryan.
I’ve been trying a range of values from $0 to $25 as the documentation for the above test device_id states “Approved payments are up to $25 USD. Larger amounts fail and the checkout remains PENDING until it times out.” Looking further into it, amounts up to but not including $100 are failing.
With that test device_id that is the intended behavior. Approved payments are up to $25 USD. Larger amounts fail and the checkout remains PENDING until it times out.
Hi Bryan,
I’m getting the same timeout issue for this test device ID.
Application ID: sandbox-sq0idb-N4WVCeIMMIJXs2w3eFY_PA
Amounts: Under $1 - $25 USD
Hitting the same sort of issue, is there any additional info you can provide to help out?
App ID: sandbox-sq0idb-KfB1vXoC33wMYxN1SqLEcg
Example checkout ID: WKDBegr31OcqO
Is the access token your using for this request an OAuth access token? If so do you have PAYMENTS_WRITE, PAYMENTS_READ, and PAYMENTS_WRITE_IN_PERSON permissions?
Turns out I was missing the ‘PAYMENTS_WRITE_IN_PERSON’ OAuth permission. After adding it onto the list of requested permissions and re-authenticating, the checkouts are completing
This seems to be happening again. I’m getting IN_PROGRESS continuously for payments in test mode using device 9fa747a2-25ff-48ee-b078-04381f7c828f, under $25.