Terminal API Checkout is not working as expected

Hi, we believe the Terminal API Checkout is not working as expected.
The Webhook Logs are keep on stating the status as “IN PROGRESS”.
We have used the correct device ID for the transactions which is less than $25 but still not working as expected.
So here is the Terminal Checkout Log
“idempotency_key”: “3f7fbcfe-155e-4448-b187-2c65e69e5fb9”,
“checkout”: {
“amount_money”: {
“amount”: 1742,
“currency”: “USD”
“reference_id”: “523cc2ab-d266-4bda-b168-5781cab57976”,
“note”: “Singletree Winery_A-15527”,
“payment_options”: {
“autocomplete”: true,
“accept_partial_authorization”: false
“device_options”: {
“device_id”: “9fa747a2-25ff-48ee-b078-04381f7c828f”,
“skip_receipt_screen”: true,
“tip_settings”: {
“allow_tipping”: false,
“smart_tipping”: false
“customer_id”: “”

Here is the Webhook log payload.

“type”: “terminal.checkout.updated”,
“event_id”: “744a3d8f-6106-365e-967c-3b3bb0fdcebe”,
“created_at”: “2023-07-11T21:30:49.11Z”,
“data”: {
“type”: “checkout.event”,
“id”: “cj5aqoPFoObqO”,
“object”: {
“checkout”: {
“amount_money”: {
“amount”: 1742,
“currency”: “USD”

    "created_at": "2023-07-11T21:30:48.795Z",
    "customer_id": "",
    "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
    "device_options": {
      "collect_signature": false,
      "device_id": "9fa747a2-25ff-48ee-b078-04381f7c828f",
      "skip_receipt_screen": true,
      "tip_settings": {
        "allow_tipping": false
    "id": "cj5aqoPFoObqO",
    "location_id": "LM06351554GE0",
    "note": "Singletree Winery_A-15527",
    "payment_options": {
      "accept_partial_authorization": false,
      "autocomplete": true
    "payment_type": "CARD_PRESENT",
    "reference_id": "523cc2ab-d266-4bda-b168-5781cab57976",
    "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
    "updated_at": "2023-07-11T21:30:49.110Z"


Can you let us know what is wrong the Terminal API Checkout.

It’s failing cause the currency of the checkout request is in USD and the account that your using is CAD. :slightly_smiling_face:

HI Bryan,

Thank you for the response and Sorry for the delay. However, I have rechecked it. I cleared my entire application to check the transaction. The system is connected to a USA account. I have verified this by checking the Merchant ID. Can you please check the below transaction once again and let me know.
Also, can you please let me know, how did you know that the Account is connected to CAD ?

Terminal Checkout Log
“idempotency_key”: “a80fae63-874c-4e5e-aa28-bdfd6035108b”,
“checkout”: {
“amount_money”: {
“amount”: 1505,
“currency”: “USD”
“reference_id”: “f5637003-bf59-4ac9-99bf-4ca6e5493c84”,
“note”: “Singletree Winery_A-15530”,
“payment_options”: {
“autocomplete”: true,
“accept_partial_authorization”: false
“device_options”: {
“device_id”: “9fa747a2-25ff-48ee-b078-04381f7c828f”,
“skip_receipt_screen”: true,
“tip_settings”: {
“allow_tipping”: false,
“smart_tipping”: false
“customer_id”: “”

Webhook order.updated Payload

“merchant_id”: “ML2HJT5385BKZ”,
“type”: “order.updated”,
“event_id”: “c98e5ff5-8c23-3d63-ab7a-4e0091559e41”,
“created_at”: “2023-07-18T03:04:05Z”,
“data”: {
“type”: “order”,
“id”: “mvh6dqFGOeMFpcD6y3alq2VKde4F”,
“object”: {
“order_updated”: {
“created_at”: “2023-07-18T03:03:31.106Z”,
“location_id”: “LM06351554GE0”,
“order_id”: “mvh6dqFGOeMFpcD6y3alq2VKde4F”,
“state”: “CANCELED”,
“updated_at”: “2023-07-18T03:04:04.713Z”,
“version”: 2

Thank you, i just want to know why the terminal checkout is not happening.

Hey @vishal388! Can you let me know what your app ID is? Thanks!

Hey , here is the App-Id : sandbox-sq0idb-3Qc_DjWj6P3oz_BTlCSkwA

Thanks! Do you mind outlining the steps you’re taking to reproduce this issue? Are you using a US-based Sandbox Test Account?

Hi Yes, we are using a US-Based Sandbox Test Account.
To reproduce this issue.

  1. Terminal Checkout API (/v2/terminals/checkouts) is initiated from the system backend.
    In the back end , we also check Webhooks for the transaction.
  2. We invoke same API with the Transaction ID to get the status of that specific transaction.
    Please let me know if you need anything else.

Hey @vishal388, just sent you a direct message to follow up on this.