Where a square developer can see the app fee transfer to his bank account (That he added on seller side (dashboard) of his developer account)?

I am square developer. And I added my bank account in Seller Side of square account to receive app fee. Which we would collect from different Square Merchants are integrating through our square developer account.
Now my question is that once a payment is created on square.
It would be divided into three parts.
one part of payment goes to Square which is 2.90% (Of Payment Amount) + $0.30 in case of API.
second part of payment goes to Merchant which is integrating via OAuth to my developer account.
third part of payment goes to Square Developer which is in terms of App Fee in payment.
Now my question is that How a square developer would see the app fee transferring to his bank account?

Please take a look here: https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments-and-collect-fees#application-fee-reporting and let me know if you have any questions.