Where does the money from the app fee go?

I have just integrated with a seller account and I am charging a transaction fee. My question is, I can see in the payment confirmation returned by Square that the app fee was taken out, I can see in the seller’s transaction history that the fee was taken out… however, no money has entered my Square account that holds the active Application_ID? Is there a waiting period?

The application fee money should be going to the account of your application. Take a look here to see our docs on how you can view it in your dashboard. If you’re still not seeing the fees, please provide me with your Square app id and I’ll take a look at your account.

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I realized I pasted a bad link above, the right link is: https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments-and-collect-fees#application-fee-reporting. I took a look at your account, and see several transfer amounts over the last few days. Unfortunately there’s not a better way to view them at this time, they will show up on your transfer report as “Other”.

  1. Open your Square dashboard
  2. Go to “Balance”
  3. Go to “Transfer Reports”
  4. Click any of the days and take a look at “Other” row near the bottom, this should be the application fees you’ve collected during that transfer period.

Please let me know if you have additional questions or concerns!

Thank you Stephen for the follow up. I was able to locate the transfer reports.

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After how many minutes does it take for app_fee_money to show up in the developer’s balance?

In other words, lets say my app_fee_money is 100 ($1), after how many minutes does it take, on average, to show up on my balance?


The amount should show in your balance shortly after the payment is completed.

Hi, I just integrated my web app all the process to get the app fee but I didn’t’ see where the money goes, I can see it in the selle account but not in our developer account. I wonder is there a waiting period?

:wave: Any app_fee_money that’s collected will show in the Square account that created the application right after a payment is processed. Please note that the funds won’t show in the Transactions section of the Dashboard. They will only show in the Balance section of the Dashboard. :slightly_smiling_face:

Great now I can see it. Thank you so much

Hello Bryan,
I’m not able to see the collected app fees amount anywhere.
It’s only displayed in Merchant’s account once we open details of a transaction.

or is it something like we can not see it in the Sandbox Developer account?

Here’s my APP ID - sandbox-sq0idb-5cpCu9TFqRXUuhJ34MWtHA

Please tell me what’s wrong with it
Thanks & Regards

Currently the collected app_fee_money doesn’t show in the Balance section of Sandbox. In production you’ll see it accumulate there. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I kinda wasted a lot of time behind getting the app fees in the sandbox. finally relieved to know that I’m not missing anything in my codes.

Thanks Bryan :slight_smile:

Right now, it can only be found under a tiny, ambiguous “Other” field in a transfer report.

Would be really great to see this improved. Personally I’d prefer it in my transactions, but I would be okay if I could just run a report that showed the amount received per day.

I assume this was overlooked because Square figured developers are using this and can build their own tools.


We’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to share your request to the API product team. :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you direct the app money fee to a different location on a different square account?

At this time app_fee_money can only go to the main location of the account that owns the application. :slightly_smiling_face: