Good Morning!
We upgraded the website FINALLY to the latest version of Magento 2.4.7-p1 and we have updated our Square Extension to version 1.18 and I noticed a functionality was missing or maybe I don’t have an option selected correctly.
Problem: Magento no longer assigning Square IDs to products
Previous Solution: Under the product page, there was a section called “Inventory Location” and that is now missing on the product page. To assign a Square ID previously, I would select the location as our physical store front. Enter the stock amount. Then save. It would generate the Square ID and sync with our Square inventory.
I do see an option for “Single Stock-Source Mode” on the Catalog and inventory synchronization tab and I’m wondering if that’s the source of my issues.
I’m attaching screenshots of items previously synced vs new products I would like to sync:
I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:
Additional Documentation
Inventory API
Enable Stock Conversion
If this documentation helped you find a solution, please check the box indicating that this reply solves the problem.
Otherwise one of our Developer Advocates will provide additional assistance shortly.
Is the item available in the Square catalog? The Magento integration should pull in all the catalog objects. 
We have it set up to create items on Magento, then import them to Square. Before updating the version of Magento, we would go to the product listing page, select the inventory location, and hit save. After that it would auto populate the Square ID information after the save.
But the inventory location option seems to be missing on the product page itself.
Similar to the other issue you have with Magento webhooks I’d recommend reaching out directly to Magento Support. 
It seems to be related to how the new Square update treats inventory. So there’s a single store mode and a multiple store mode. I do not want to activate multiple store mode on Square’s extension option without fully understanding how it relates to the inventory location.