Retry failed invoice payments

Is it possible to retry a failed invoice payment?

I create invoices and attempt to pay using a card on file. If the card gets declined, the publish invoice API fails and the invoice is still in Draft. I then manually edit the invoice to email to the customer.

I see that I can create a reminder schedule for an unpaid invoice. Is it possible to automatically retry the payment after 3 days similar to how the subscriptions API does?

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Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

Additional Documentation

Create and Publish Invoices
Invoices API
Cancel or Delete Invoices

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Yes, it is possible to retry a failed invoice payment. However, the Invoices API does not automatically retry failed payments. You would need to implement this functionality in your application.

You can use the Invoices API to update the invoice and then call the PublishInvoice endpoint again to retry the payment. If the payment fails again, you can set up a reminder schedule to notify the customer about the unpaid invoice.

Please note that if the card on file was declined, it’s likely that subsequent attempts will also fail. It might be more effective to notify the customer and ask them to update their card information or provide a different payment method.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.