I have an application I’ve built where I’d like to have my applications users collect square payments via the payment api. Right now, I capture my customers location id and have them setup an application in their Square Developer Portal so I can then capture their application id and their access token. Within my code base, for each logged in customer, I authorize any charges from within the app to their account to capture the charge on their Square account. However, I’d like to charge users of my customers application a convenience fee that should go to me, the application developer.
How should I configure my application with regards to my customers square account for the payments api to correctly authorize and accept payment? I thought I should use their location Id, but my own application id / access token so I can use the fee feature to charge my convenience fee, but insure the captured payment went to my customers square account rather than my own, but that didn’t work.
Anyone have any ideas how I can use the payment API to accept payments for my customers using their Square accounts (aka their own banks) but my application Id so I can charge a fee for using my app, but not collect their payments.