Our account was deactivated due to high-risk activity


We have used Square’s APIs to enable Google/Apple Pay for our online sales, which was working fine.

Yesterday we received an email informing us “We reviewed your account and found a persistent pattern of transactions generally associated with high-risk activity.” which resulted in deactivating our account

Due to the pandemic, we have not had many sales and we have only 2 test attractions (each about $2 or so) that were successful and deposited into our bank account.

We are really surprised by this message and so far no response to our inquiry.

Has anyone else faced with this issue? Our office is located in BC, Canada.


Hi @bsamin welcome to the forums!

Sorry to hear that. What’s your location id or merchant id? No guarantees that I can do anything, as usually this is handled by other teams, but I can definitely take a look to see if there’s anything that I can do.

Thank you for looking into this @sjosey

Location id is 2XKMJR42Y53GN

Really appreciate your help!