Is it possible to create an order without a payment, so it become visible on POS and it can be processed by the restaurant staff and paid by cash or card?
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Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:
Additional Documentation
Sell a Gift Card (Custom Processing System)
Payments API Integration
Take Payments and Build Integrations on Square Hardware
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Yes, it is possible to create an order without a payment using the Orders API. The order will be visible on the Square Point of Sale application and can be processed by the restaurant staff. The payment can be made later either by cash or card. However, please note that the order’s state will not be marked as ‘COMPLETED’ until a payment has been made. If you apply a $0 payment to the order, it will set the order state to ‘COMPLETED’.
This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.
Thanks. I created an order, but I can not find it. Are there any specific attributes I have to set to be able to see it in the Point of Sale?
Also, how can I access Point of Sale application in sandbox? I need something for debug purposes.
Is the order paid for? At this time the order will need to be paid for and have a fulfillment to push to the POS. Also there currently isn’t sandbox support for Point of Sale testing.
Hello Bryan,
- In the previous reply from @Square-Dev-AI, that was reviewed by you, written that:
it is possible to create an order without a payment using the Orders API. The order will be visible on the Square Point of Sale application and can be processed by the restaurant staff. The payment can be made later either by cash or card
So, is the order required to be paid, or not?
If it is really required to be paid, how can I create a physical card payment? There is a field source_id
. For example: I create an order in my software, show it to the restaurant staff, they take the card terminal, input the total price and take the payment, then they mark that the order is paid in my software and I send the complete and paid order to the Square. What should I put in the source_id
field in this case?
Also you have mentioned a necessity of a fulfillment property in an order, but I have tested and found out that a fulfillment is not required for a paid order to be visible in the Point of Sale.
Is it possible to view Point of Sale application for production environment in a browser for example?
Apologies for any confusion. Orders will have to be paid for to have them visible on the POS app. If your wanting to take in person payments on Square hardware to pay for orders created by the API in your application you’ll need to use Mobile Payments SDK or Terminal API.