Creation of Order for POS via API

I want to send Orders which are created via API to be reflected as Active Order in POS. But Any order that I create is not even shown in POS until it is completed/Paid.
I’m using the Orders API to create the order and Payment API to send the payment for that Order and then based on that the order gets completed.

How can I create order that can reflect as Active Order in POS? For restaurants.

:wave: I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

Additional Documentation

Pay for Orders
Orders API
Order-Ahead Application Use Case

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To have an order appear in the Square Point of Sale application, the order must include fulfillment details and must be paid for. When you create an order using the Orders API, you can add a fulfillment object to the order. This can be done either when the order is created or updated later. The fulfillment type can be set as PICKUP, SHIPMENT, or DELIVERY. Once the order is fully paid, it will appear in the Square Point of Sale application where sellers can manage order fulfillment.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.