ColdFusion payment examples anyone?

I am working on a ColdFusion application, which needs to collect payments through the web site. Does anyone have any experience or examples of building an interface within the ColdFusion environment where payments are collected?

Thank you.

:wave: I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

Additional Documentation

Payment API: Process Online and In-Person Payments
Take a Credit Card Payment
Build a Payment Integration and Take Payments Online

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Square doesn’t provide a specific SDK for ColdFusion. However, you can use Square’s RESTful APIs to integrate payment processing into your ColdFusion application.

You would typically use the Square Payments API for this. The Payments API allows you to accept payments and includes endpoints for creating payments, refunding payments, and retrieving information about payments.

To collect payments, you would use the CreatePayment endpoint. This endpoint requires a source_id, which is a token representing card information to charge. This token can be generated using the Square Web Payments SDK on your front-end.

The Web Payments SDK allows you to build a secure payment form on your website. It provides a customizable, PCI-DSS compliant method of accepting card payments. After the customer submits their card information, the SDK generates a secure token (source_id) that you can then use with the Payments API to actually process the payment.

In your ColdFusion application, you would make HTTP requests to the Square API endpoints. ColdFusion supports making HTTP requests using the cfhttp tag.

Remember to handle the payment information securely and in compliance with PCI-DSS standards. Square’s APIs are designed to help minimize your exposure to sensitive data, but you should still ensure that your application handles data securely.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.

Thank you. I will give it a go!