2023-06-08 Changelog

Checkout API
Labor API
Payouts API
Subscriptions API
Team API
Terminal API
Webhook Subscriptions API
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Version summary

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API updates

  • Checkout API:

    • CheckoutOptions object. Added the following fields:

      • enable_coupon. Indicates whether to include the Add coupon section for the buyer to provide a Square marketing coupon in the payment form.
      • enable_loyalty. Indicates whether to include the REWARDS section for the buyer to opt in to loyalty, redeem rewards in the payment form, or both.

      For more information, see Specify checkout options.

  • GraphQL:

    Square GraphQL is moved to beta. You can now send your queries to the following endpoints:

    • https://connect.squareup.com/public/graphql for production queries.
    • https://connect.squareupsandbox.com/public/graphql for Sandbox queries.

    With this release, Square GraphQL continues to provide more access to Square data. Currently, you can query the following Square graphs:

    • Cards
    • Catalog
    • Customers
    • Inventory
    • Merchants
    • Orders
    • Payments
    • Refunds
  • OAuth API:

    • CreateMobileAuthorizationCode endpoint. The error object is renamed to errors in the response. The format of the errors object is upgraded to include the category, code, and detail fields.
  • Payouts API:

    • Payout object. Added the end_to_end_id field. The end_to_end_id field is a unique ID for each Payout object that might also appear on the seller's bank statement. For more information, see Payout object.

    • PayoutEntry object. Added the following types for a payout entry:

      • AUTOMATIC_BITCOIN_CONVERSIONS. Indicates that the portion of each payment withheld by Square was automatically converted into bitcoin using Cash App. The seller manages their bitcoin in their Cash App account.
      • AUTOMATIC_BITCOIN_CONVERSIONS_REVERSED. Indicates that a withheld payment, which was scheduled to be converted into bitcoin using Cash App, was deposited back to the Square payments balance.
      • CREDIT_CARD_REPAYMENT. Indicates that a repayment toward the outstanding balance on the seller's Square credit card was made.
      • CREDIT_CARD_REPAYMENT_REVERSED. Indicates that a repayment toward the outstanding balance on the seller's Square credit card was reversed.

      For more information, see Payout type details.

  • Subscriptions API:

    • The Subscriptions API now allows for itemized subscriptions; sellers can set specific items or categories in their catalog to be subscribable.

    • Added the CatalogSubscriptionPlanVariation data type. Subscriptions created with this API version use this object to configure how items are sold in a subscription, rather than the CatalogSubscriptionPlan. Subscriptions created prior to this API version continue to work as previously configured using the CatalogSubscriptionPlan.

    • CatalogSubscriptionPlan object. Added the following properties:

      • subscription_plan_variations. The list of subscription plan variations available for this plan.
      • eligible_item_ids. The list of IDs of CatalogItems that are eligible for subscription by this plan.
      • eligible_category_ids. The list of IDs of CatalogCategories that are eligible for subscription by this plan.
      • all_items. Indicates whether all items in the seller's catalog are subscribable.
    • Subscription object:

      • The new plan_variation_id property replaces the plan_id property.
      • The new phases array corresponds to the phases of the CatalogSubscriptionPlanVariation associated with the subscription.
    • CreateSubscription endpoint. The plan_variation_id property replaces the plan_id property.

    • SwapPlan endpoint. The new_plan_variation_id property replaces the new_plan_id property.

  • Team API and Labor API:

    To support the linking of global seller-editable job titles to a team member's default job title and shift job title, a job_id is added to two objects. This job ID can't be used to retrieve the global job record. To learn about team member titles and shift job titles, see Update job assignments.

  • Terminal API:

    • TerminalAction object:
      • Added Terminal action types (beta) that launch various custom screen workflows on the Square Terminal.
      • Added the await_next_action field to link multiple custom screen workflows.
    • DismissTerminalAction endpoint. A new endpoint that dismisses the "Please wait..." screen on the Square Terminal and transitions to the next screen workflow.
  • Webhook Subscriptions API:

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Documentation updates