2020-02-26 Changelog

Bank Accounts API
Cash Drawer Shifts API
Catalog API
Checkout API
Customers API
Disputes API
Orders API
Connect v1
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Version summary

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API releases

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Existing API updates

  • Catalog API

    • Batch upsert catalog objects endpoint — The batches field is now required and the array must have at least one element.
    • CatalogModifier — Two fields added:
      • ordinal to support custom ordering in a modifier list
      • modifier_list_id to reference the parent modifier list
    • CatalogModifierList — New field added: ordinal to support custom ordering in a list of CatalogModifierList objects.
  • Customers API changes

    • SearchCustomers endpoint — limit size reduced from 1000 to 100 to improve the endpoint performance.
  • Orders API changes

    • CreateOrderRequest — Previously these request fields were deprecated: line_items, taxes, discounts. These fields are no longer available. Instead you now use the Order object in the request. For example, Order.line_items, Order.taxes, and Order.discounts.
    • OrderLineItem type — There are two changes:
      • The taxes field that was previously deprecated is no longer available. Instead, you now use the OrderLineItem.applied_taxes field. This also now requires that you set the OrderLineItemTax.scope field.
      • The discounts field that was previously deprecated is no longer available. Instead, you now use the OrderLineItem.applied_discounts field. This also now requires that you set the OrderLineItemDiscount.scope field.
  • Shared object updates

    • Card object — New fields added: card_type, prepaid_type. Currently, only the Payments API responses populate these fields.
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V1 Deprecations

The following V1 APIs are now deprecated: