Update quantity of existing item in square catalog when we received new stock and scan barcode of it


We are using square catalog/inventory.

If the item is already in square catalog and when we receive new stock of it and if we scan the barcode using barcode scanner of new received item then Is it possible to update/add quantities of existing item in square catalog?

:wave: I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

Additional Documentation

Inventory API Requirements
Inventory API: How It Works
Enable Stock Conversion

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Hi @Ketan_Chavda ,

This is not really a question about how to use the Square APIs for developers, but about the first party Square POS. This is a supported feature that you can read more about here - Manage Inventory with the Retail POS App | Square Support Center - US. If you have any additional questions about this feature, you will need to reach out to our general support team.