Hi all,
I am running into issues setting up a loyalty program in by default sandbox dashboard. The first issue I see is when I initially click on the “Loyalty” nav link. I am greeted with the message:
“Oh no, something went wrong.
It looks like we are experiencing some problems on our end.”
In the console I see this error: Error while processing route: customers.rewards.get-started Cannot read property ‘defaultPlanToken’ of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property ‘defaultPlanToken’ of undefined
If I click around the dashboard (i.e. Home -> Loyalty), it loads the create loyalty “stepper” and I am able to fill out all the details except for the last step (Subscribe). The page only renders a “Started at: N/A” text and a “Continue” button. This does not match some screenshots I have seen. When I click the “Continue” button a spinner overlay is shown which I can dismiss by clicking anywhere on the page (nothing is actually happening). In the console I see there is a 404 error for the following endpoint: https://squareupsandbox.com/api/v3/subscriptions/external/GetPricingInfo
This might not be the right place to post this, might need to put in a support ticket. However I thought others might be having a similar issue and it seems that @sjosey might have some guidance.