In production env, we made a card payment of total $74.56 (amount $30.56 and tips $44), the card payment is completed and success, later when we tried refunding tips $39.56 via refund API, we got error code BAD_REQUEST with msg ‘The sale order tender had insufficient remaining funds to be refunded’, however we have checked our bank account balance and it’s sufficient for the refund, could you please help to check why this error occurred?
below is the info about the payment and refunds we’ve tried:
application id: sq0idp-X5g7B-QAtnOvyEFik1fuSg
payment id: r9ilrYmJoEcMBJPYavJlugggUpQZY
refund id: (we tried refunding a few times with slightly different amounts, all of them got the same error)
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It will be highly appreciated if you can help to look into it as soon as possible, we notice all locations with different bank accounts are in this situation now.
We have successfully refunded the payment (idr9ilrYmJoEcMBJPYavJlugggUpQZY) mentioned in my post.
However there are still another two payments (id 3DgEXGIUoHYJ4id2mzWFz35UwZTZY and DBaNwY1bj8gWBy8yblbaSxOcwhRZY) are still experiencing the same issue, could you please let us know when it can be fully fixed, so that we can refund the two.
Any update please?
As this issue is still happening twice, I guess the root cause is not fully resolved, so I removed the solution mark on this topic.
If the root cause is resolved, please let me know, we need to keep an eye on each refund initiated in prod env before it’s full resolved, thanks for your kindly understanding.