Hello, I have developed an app that allows users to order ahead at square locations. We have had some success at locations with iPads, by sending them a push notification with a sound so they can hear when an order comes in.
We’ve had some issues with playing sounds on iPad POS devices that are also playing music, but seem to have a solution for that by creating a separate hardware device to give order update sounds. We’d like to avoid this and find new solutions, but it is sounding like this is a necessity.
My question is for the Square Register hardware, I was looking into developing a square marketplace app to potentially play a custom sound on this device. All I have read is saying this is not supported. Is this true? Is having a custom hardware solution just to play a sound really the only way to give shops alerts on orders coming from the API?
Any guidance is appreciated, this is a huge pain point atm.
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Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:
Additional Documentation
Build on Mobile Web
Point of Sale API and POS Integration Tools
Take Payments and Build Integrations on Square Hardware
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Yes, your understanding is correct. Currently, Square Register does not support custom sounds or notifications from third-party apps. The Register is designed to work with Square’s own Point of Sale app and does not support additional customization or integrations at this time. Therefore, your approach of using a separate hardware device to provide order update sounds seems to be the most feasible solution under the current constraints.
This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.