Local Order Data - ( In Offline Mode )

I would like to know if there is a way I can access the orders locally when in offline mode. I have a use-case where I have a mobile robotic system and I want a successful purchase through a POS to trigger the “make-order” function. I can easily connect to the /orders api but I want to make sure this works when offline. Is there any way I can tap into the order information from a POS device? I know they are able to print receipts with the order information via usb so that leads me to believe this must be possible somehow. Would be nice if I could get some sort of event locally sent over USB

Unfortunately, the ability to access orders in offline mode locally isn’t currently available. :slightly_smiling_face:

What would you suggest I do then? And any future plans to add such a feature… If a printer can print a receipt for an offline order then that begs me to believe this is possible.

This is unfortunately not supported with our APIs or any locally wired devices. Also we don’t have public roadmaps available to track requests like this. :slightly_smiling_face:

Interesting. Well I guess my point is that if a printer can integrate via USB that leads me to believe the data can and does get sent out that USB port when an order is placed. So if that locally wired device can do it, again leads me to believe its possible just not documented.

Yes, the data is sent to a locally wired/connected printer. That’s all that’s currently supported for sending data to peripherals via a wired/connected device. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes so if the printer can get that data how can I :slight_smile:

The way to get that data isn’t publicly supported nor is it publicly documented at this time. We’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to share your request to the API product team. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok thanks for the information

If its in offline mode can it still print to a LAN ( local area network ) kitchen printer ? I would hope yes.

Offline mode will allow you to transact as normal which includes printing to connected printers. Its just that payments aren’t fully completed and may fail when uploaded to Square. :slightly_smiling_face:

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GitHub - joepuzzo/receipt-interceptor TADA :grin: