Kitchen order status

I am trying to build an extension of the new Kitchen Display System (KDS). In a restaurant using the KDS, and order is open or complete. Is this kitchen status available in the orders API? Or plans to add this soon?

With the Orders API the state of the order and the state of the fulfillment is available in the order returned by the API. :slightly_smiling_face:

Looking at my own Square dashboard (I also manage a restaurant), only orders placed through our website seem to show up in the Orders page. I would like to support all meal orders placed in person as well.

Currently only Orders with fulfillment details that have been fully paid will be pushed to the Square Dashboard Orders section, so that sellers can manage fulfillments within their seller Dashboard. :slightly_smiling_face:

What kind of Brisbane kitchen cabinets can I order here?

If I’m reading this correctly, there is no way to send orders from a Square register in-person to a KDS system/Printer? “Orders” API is for online orders, thus not in-person. There is no Printer API. Transactions has been deprecated and there is no API to get data from a square POS (not terminal).

Is my understanding correct? Because I’m trying to do something similar, but I just want to notify people when their order is complete also via SMS. Fresh KDS clearly has an integration but there doesn’t seem to be any API available to normal devs, unless I’m over looking something.

Yes, you are correct. At this time the ability to get the Open Tickets that are created on Square register via API isn’t currently available. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is very unfortunate will this be changing or has it changed? We are needing access to this information for an “order ready” board. All we really need is orders that hit the KDS and their fulfillment state so we can move them to “ready” on the completed board when they are completed on the KDS.

We look forward to have more for you in the future. Unfortunately we don’t have a public roadmap for new features and functionality at this time. :slight_smile:

Following up on this. We also would like to be able to see open (non-paid) restaurant orders via the API. It’s essential to the functionality of our app on Square. Is this available yet? Many thanks