Hi Everyone,
We are using Square for Restaurant and integrated with Doshii middleware for on demand food delivery provider like uber eats or doordash. These providers generally charge commissions on the order (around 30%). When order comes to the Square it record the order with amount which includes commissions . Is there any way to update order amounts by removing commissions? Is there any way to show this commissions separately?
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At this time when the order is pushed to Square by the 3rd party application there isn’t a way to updated the order to show the commission separately. 
Ok, but Can I update the order amounts by deducting commission and add commission in order notes? If yes any quick way update the order amounts instead of updating each money field in the order schema.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to update the order amount once the 3rd party integration posts a payment to the order and it shows in the Seller Dashboard.