Hi, I have a Kiosk and it is from Korea, only support payment system in Korea. I want to integrate Square payment system into my kiosk to support US payment. How can I do this?
I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:
Additional Documentation
In-App Payment Solutions
Supported Payment Methods by Country
Accept PayPay Payments in Japan
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To integrate Square payment system into your kiosk, you would need to use Square’s APIs and SDKs.
For in-person payments, you can use Square’s hardware devices such as Square Mobile Payments SDK or Square Terminal.
For online payments, you can use Square’s Web Payments SDK or Checkout API. The Web Payments SDK allows you to build a custom payment form for your web application, while the Checkout API provides a prebuilt payment UI.
For in-app payments, you can use Square’s In-App Payments SDK. This allows you to accept payments within your mobile application.
Please note that Square’s support for payment methods varies by country. Currently, Square API support for credit card and card on file processing is limited to the countries specified in Supported Payment Methods by Country.
This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.
Hello @totar4660,
I have a Korean Kiosk that only supports payment systems in Korea. I want to integrate the Square payment system to support US payments. How can I do this?
Best regards,
James Goff