How to disable "Gpay" option from Square Invoice?


We have generated and published invoice using Square Invoice API. We have enabled accepted methods “Card” and “bank account” in invoice API. BUT still we are getting “Gpay” payment option in invoice.

How we can disable this option?

:wave: I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:

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Create and Publish Invoices
In-Person Payment Solutions
Payment APIs

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The Google Pay option is automatically enabled for invoices if the customer’s device supports it and cannot be disabled through the Invoices API. The accepted payment methods you specify in the Invoices API (Card and Bank Account) are in addition to Google Pay, not in place of it. This is designed to provide customers with a variety of payment options for their convenience.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.


Is there any option in square dashboard to disable “Google Pay” option in Square Invoice?


There isn’t a way to disable Google Pay option for invoices in the Seller Dashboard. :slightly_smiling_face: