Does the sandbox environment send an email notification to the user?

When we do merchant account creation/sending invoice notification, I’m not receiving any email on the configured email id. Do we have a provision to send an email from the Sandbox environment? Thanks!

:wave: Invoice emails will be sent in sandbox. Is the email you’re sending the invoice to possibly filtering out the invoice into a junk or spam folder? :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks @Bryan-Square. Could you please also confirm this email functionality is enabled in the sandbox environment for the merchant account creation as well? When a merchant account is created, with the address and email, does square send an email to activate the account and to set up a password?

Currently, when you create a sandbox test account we won’t send an account creation email. Also with the sandbox test accounts you won’t need to setup a password. The account Dashboards are all accessible from the Developer Dashboard. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, got it. Thank you @Bryan-Square :slightly_smiling_face: Consider, that I have a developer account using which I will log in to the Square and will create an application through UI. Once an application is created, we have the access token, client id, and client secret for both the sandbox and production environments. When I invoke the SetUpMerchant API endpoint to create a merchant using the sandbox access token, I am not getting any email for the successful creation of a merchant account. If I need to log in to Square using this newly created merchant account, I would need a password. I am not very much sure like is there any way to set up a password or log in using the merchant account created through API. Could you please let me know like do we get an email on the successful creation of a merchant account through API calls in a sandbox environment? Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

Are you using an early access product that isn’t live yet? If so this is a public forum and questions about early access products shouldn’t be posted here. I’d recommend reaching out to the team that provided the documentation about the endpoint you’re using. :slightly_smiling_face: