BAD REQUEST This account has not been enabled to take payments

I am working with a developer who is creatin invoices using Sqaure API. However, we are getting this erro:
“[{‘code’: ‘BAD_REQUEST’, ‘detail’: ‘This account has not been enabled to take payments’, ‘category’: ‘INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR’}]”

We have been using this account in our retail store close to 10 years to accept payments as well as using the Sqaure Invoice function from the Sqaure dashboard on Square website.

Can anyone help us get this fixed, please?

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AI answer does not help. I am looking for human reply, please.

The error message you’re seeing indicates that the account being used to create invoices via the API is not enabled to accept payments. This could be due to the account not being fully activated for payment processing.

While you mentioned that you’ve been using this account for retail store payments and Square Invoices via the Square dashboard, it’s possible that the account linked to the API calls might be different or not fully set up for payment processing.

Please ensure that the account linked to the API calls is the same as the one you’ve been using for your retail store and that it’s fully activated for payment processing. If the issue persists, it might be worth checking the OAuth permissions for your application. The application needs the appropriate permissions (like PAYMENTS_WRITE) to create invoices and process payments.

This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.

How do I know if this is true or not for my specific account? We’ve been using this account to accept payments in person (using the Sqaure Terminal) and via the web app (Via Invoice) for over 7-10 years.
“The error message you’re seeing indicates that the account being used to create invoices via the API is not enabled to accept payments” Is there a way I can private message you my account so you can help me look it up?

Whats the location_id that your using when creating the order for the invoice. :slightly_smiling_face: