Hello @Bryan-Square ,
I have integrated apple pay digital wallet form in our application but am getting below error when apple pay form is loading .
Unhandled Promise Rejection: PaymentMethodUnsupportedError: Method unsupported: Device does not support Apple Pay.
Could you please hele us to fix above issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Pankaj Mishra
That error happens when the device that’s loading the page doesn’t support Apple Pay. Does the device your testing on have Apple Pay setup and are you testing with Safari? 
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Hi @Bryan-Square ,
Appreciate for your help. I could able to load apple pay form in the safari browser but still not able to do payment. Please see below screen shot .
Latest safari Browser:

when click on pay apple pay link getting below screenshot.
but after a while getting below screenshot and then coming to home page.
Please help us here .
Thanks & Regards,
Pankaj Mishra
Is the site hosted and if so could you provide the link so we can test? 
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Hi @Bryan-Square ,
Please find below Link.
You can create test user and sign in in the app and then do apple pay .
Please let us know the issue.
Pankaj Mishra
Is there a way to setup an account without verifying the email address or another way to get to the page? 
Hi @Bryan-Square ,
I have created test user for you to debugging issue. Please use below user to login in the app.
Link: https://nft-dev-web.azurewebsites.net/myWallet
Mail-id- [email protected]
Please let me know if you need anything else to debug issue .
Thanks & Regards,
Pankaj Mishra
Thanks for providing all the information. When I inspected the page I’m not seeing Apple Pay configured in the script of the head of the page. The applicationId
and locationId
isn’t configure on that page as well. 
@Bryan-Square, In the hosted application , we configured application id and location id in same way what we did for google pay and other payment option.
I am not able to understand what you are trying to say.
My all online payment options (Card, google pay, ACH) are working fine but only apple pay is not working.
Is it possible to connect you on call? So, that can show you in our implementation way.
Thanks & Regards,
Pankaj Mishra