hello, i just register an account for production, and when i open developer.squareup, it says You must activate your Square account for payments by visitingsquareup.com/activate before you can process card payments in production.
when i click the link, it redirectly me to seller dashboard, could you please assists me for this?
With Square before you can accept card payments through your Square account, you’ll need to complete the last step, which includes a basic identity verification. To complete the activation process:
- Sign in to your Square Dashboard > click Setup Guide .
- Select Get Paid > Verify Your Identity .
thanks for reply bryan, but this is ss from my setup guide page, can’t find Get Paid and verify your identity, my account is [email protected]
when i try to send a invoice testing, it says, Payment setup required for your customers to pay online. then i click setup payment and same as before, redirectly me to seller dashboard, very weird
@hanandaabdurahman, thanks for providing the email for your account. A message was sent to you about the status to your account by one of our teams. Unfortunately there isn’t anything further that we can assist in regards to this. 
can’t see the message, but when i open help center page, i found this warning
is this what is causing the problem?
No, that is a separate issue.
“thanks for providing the email for your account. A message was sent to you about the status to your account by one of our teams.”
hey bryan, could you please ask your team who is send the message, to message again to [email protected] and [email protected]
Since the content of the email is about account specific details we unfortunately are unable to forward/re-send the email to any other address except the account owners email.
hey bryan, my team can’t find the message sent to [email protected] from square team email, can you please ask your team to send it again?
Yeah, I’ll reach out to the team.
please inform me, when the message is sended
hello bryan, did your team send the email?