Team API

Applies to: Team APITeam API | Labor APILabor API

Manage a roster of employees, associates, or volunteers for Square sellers.

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Use the Team APITeam API to create and manage team member and job data, including profiles, wage settings, and activation status. In the Square DashboardSquare Dashboard, team members can be further configured for Square Payroll, scheduled in appointments, assigned to a labor shift, and more.

The Labor APILabor API is used with the Team API to manage timekeeping for shifts and labor cost reporting, payroll, and overtime management.

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Requirements and limitations

  • Sellers manage the following operations in the Square Dashboard or other Square products. Square APIs cannot be used for these operations.

    • Get or set permissions for team members or set a passcode. Sellers manage team access in the Team section of the Square Dashboard.
    • Update the team member that represents the seller account. In the API, this team member has the is_owner field set to true.
    • Add team members to the staff for payroll or appointments, or assign team members to cash drawer shifts.
  • The Team API cannot be used to send the team member an invitation to join the team. Square does this automatically after the seller assigns the team member's permissions and passcode.

  • After accepting the invitation to join the team, only the team member can change their email address by updating their personal settings on the SquareSquare website.

    Although this change is reflected in their team member profile, it doesn't invoke a team_member.updated webhook event.

  • Generate sales, tip, or activity reports for team members. However, you might be able to get similar data for sales and tip reporting using team member IDs with the Payments API and Labor API. For more information, see Track tipsTrack tips.

  • The Square SandboxSquare SandboxAn isolated server environment used for testing. doesn't support all features that integrate with team members. For example, the Permissions and Payroll sections aren't available in the Sandbox Square DashboardSandbox Square Dashboard.

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Supported operations

Your application can use the Team API to perform the following operations:

To learn how to use the Team API, see Integration GuideIntegration Guide.


Job endpoints are available in Square API version 2024-12-18 or higher.

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Team members in the Square Dashboard

Team members created with the Team API are available in the Square Dashboard and integrate with the following features:

  • Team - The new team member is shown in the Team members list.

    A graphic showing details of a team member in the Seller Dashboard Team management application.

    Sellers use the Square Dashboard to assign a passcode and permissions to team members.

  • Timecards - The new team member is shown in the New Shift window in the Name list.

  • Appointments - A team member can be added to the Staff list.

  • Cash drawers - A team member who is logged in with a passcode is automatically assigned to a cash drawer shift.

  • Payroll - A team member can be added to the payroll.

For more information about Square team management tools, see Square StaffSquare Staff.

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A webhook is a subscription that notifies you when a Square event occurs. For more information about using webhooks, see Square WebhooksSquare Webhooks.

The Team API uses the following webhook events:

EventPermission Description
team_member.createdteam_member.createdEMPLOYEES_READA team member was created.
team_member.updatedteam_member.updatedEMPLOYEES_READA team member was updated.
team_member.wage_setting.updatedteam_member.wage_setting.updatedEMPLOYEES_READA team member's wage setting was updated.
job.createdjob.createdEMPLOYEES_READA job was created.
job.updatedjob.updatedEMPLOYEES_READA job was updated.

For a complete list of webhook events, see Webhook Events ReferenceWebhook Events Reference.

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See also