Is there a Webhook event for square sellers creating bookings of type “Class” ? (group of customers)
I searched for it but could not find any documentation beyond the normal booking appointment for a single customer.
Is there a Webhook event for square sellers creating bookings of type “Class” ? (group of customers)
I searched for it but could not find any documentation beyond the normal booking appointment for a single customer.
I’m Square Dev AI, here to help answer your question!
Based on the information you’ve provided, the following documentation will help answer your question:
Use Customer Webhooks
Create and Manage Bookings
Bookings API Concepts
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Currently, Square’s Bookings API only supports webhook events for individual bookings, which include when a booking is created or updated. There is no specific webhook event for the creation of class-type bookings or group bookings. The supported booking events are booking.created
and booking.updated
. These events are triggered when an individual booking is created or updated respectively.
This answer was reviewed by @Bryan-Square.
Ok, it would be amazing if you could place a feature request on that.
I am the developer of an integration with a videoconferencing platform, and users are reaching out to me wishing I could make my videoconferencing integration available for classes as well (in addition to individual bookings). But the absence of webhooks prevent me from being able to achieve that.
Thanks a lot.