My end goal was to integrate a square terminal into my POS program.
I have a square account I have had for some time. I’m using that instead of the sandbox to get my feet wet as I wanted to have to get OAuth2 token management going per the best practices docs and I think I do.
I turned my sights then to pairing and checkout. I have the rascal paired and in doing so, it became apparent that signing into the thing with a device code means that it may no longer “hooked” to my square account as it is when I sign into it with an email address and pw. Hence why this bit is on the production app page?
This initially confused me because the square account that this production app is hooked to takes payments all the time via various methods.
The reason I ask all this is because after I got it paired via my webhook and all that, it says “Powered by Square” and some posts here say this is how it
should look but others have said it should say “Ready for a payment” or some such.
I’m initially getting a 400 Not OK when trying to send a Terminal Checkout. Now this could be for a myriad of reasons and I have only begun to fight, but I want to make certain of the above assumptions before I chase down too many rabbit holes trying to check out.