Terminal checkout returning payment IDs that do not exist

Terminal checkouts have just started returning two payment IDs, one of which does not exist. Example:

  "checkout": {
    "id": "I9MvevSFTqoqO",
    "amount_money": {
      "amount": 520,
      "currency": "GBP"
    "reference_id": "1349637",
    "note": "Transaction 1048609 payment 1349637",
    "device_options": {
      "device_id": "238CS145B2003163",
      "collect_signature": true,
      "tip_settings": {
        "allow_tipping": false
      "skip_receipt_screen": true
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "payment_ids": [
    "created_at": "2024-11-11T22:05:49.773Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-11-11T22:06:09.962Z",
    "app_id": "sq0idp-ks4judTCWHPcDz85hCk7qg",
    "location_id": "LTJJM6TXGSTRR",
    "payment_type": "CARD_PRESENT",
    "payment_options": {
      "autocomplete": true

In this case, payment ID J6d7XtsN9BG9mcLmfAIRqFvCuaB does exist, and payment ID R5Tqtzr2rupVtpXlyZ5vzMqeV does not exist.

This is causing problems!

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Retrieve Payments
Troubleshoot the Payments API
Retrieve Refunds

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I’ve reached out to the team about this. The ID R5Tqtzr2rupVtpXlyZ5vzMqeV is the order_id and shouldn’t be in the payment_ids array. :slightly_smiling_face:

The team deployed a fix for this and the checkouts are returning normally now. :slightly_smiling_face:

I see new checkouts are working as expected, but checkouts that were created before still have multiple entries in the payment_ids array (eg. if I re-fetch the checkout shown above, it still has R5Tqtzr2rupVtpXlyZ5vzMqeV).

I’ve deployed a workaround for this in my application — I’m just noting it here in case it’s affecting anyone else.